メルボルンの Thunder Road Brewing のヘッドブルワーだった Harvey が辞めたと聞いたのはずいぶん前。
Thunder Road には,Harvey の代わりにシンガポールの Archipelago にいた Colin Paige が新しいヘッドブルワーとしてやってきたとのことだった。
これによると Harvey はアメリカのルイジアナ州にある Great Raft ってブルワリーに行ったとのことだったが,その後どうしてるんだろうなぁ?とは思っていた。
僕がメルボルンにいた頃,Thunder Road はまだオープン前で,Harvey のレシピによる試作品をずいぶんテイスティングさせてもらったものだ。
それが今も Thunder Road のフラグシップになっている Full Steam や Brunswick Bitter なわけだ。(当時は単に No. 1 とか No. 2 とか呼んでいた…)
そんな Harvey からのメッセージを今日,受け取った。
彼は僕のことを "Mr. Wizard" と呼ぶ。
在外でメルボルンに行っていた頃に書いていたブログのタイトルが,オズの魔法使いにかけた「OZ(オージー)の××使い」で,そのアドレスが "kOZimathewizard.blogspot.jp" だったことから来ている。
するとツナギを着た Harvey の写真もきっちり載っているじゃないか。元気そうで何より。
これによると Great Raft Brewing は,まだできたばかりの新しいブルワリーで,いくつかテストバッチのビールを醸造している段階のようだ。
これまでに作ったビールは,例えば,シトラとアマリロを使った "Ermahgerd DIPA" や, (たぶん)ダークラガーの "Reasonably Corrupt Schwarzbier" (←これはドイツびいきの Harvey っぽい) なんかがあるようだ。
その他にもウェブを見る限りでは,"Belgian Pale Ale" とか "Belgian Saison with Peaches" なんてのも作っているらしい。
Harvey and me at Thunder Road Brewing, Melbourne in March, 2011. |
I've got a message that reminds me of my life in Melbourne.
I heard a news that Harvey, the head brewer at Thunder Road Brewing in Melbourne left the brewery several month ago.
The news also said that Thunder Road got Colin Paige as a new brewer from Archipelago in Singapore.Please see here for the details.
Harvey joined the brewery called Great Raft in Louisiana according to the news.
And I've been wondering what is he doing there?
When I was in Melbourne, Thunder Road was not opened yet, but I visited the brewery several times, and tasted some test brewed beers by Harvey's recipe.
Those beers are "Full Steam" and "Brunswick Bitter", that are the flagships of Thunder Road and really popular in Victoria now.
(At that time, we called them simply as No.1 and No. 2...).
Today, I've got a message from Harvey in Louisiana.
He calls me as "Mr. Wizard" since when I was in Melbourne, I wrote my blog with the title like "Wizard of OZ(aussie)" and the URL was "kOZimathewizard.blogspot.jp".
In his message, he says
Mr Wizard!
Hello from Louisiana! How are you? Check this out:
I've not visited the website of this brewery, so I checked it out!
I found his photo, and he's wearing overalls. It reminds me of my memories in Melbourne.
Anyway, I can see he's fine there!
According to the web, Great Raft Brewing has been just founded and they brewed some test batches so far. Their beers include "Ermahgerd DIPA" using Citra and Amarillo hops, and "Reasonably Corrupt Schwarzbier" that might be a German style dark lager (Harvey's recipe, isn't it?).
I can also find "Belgian Pale Ale" and "Belgian Saison with Peaches" on the web.
But I remembered Harvey likes German beers, but he's not good at Belgian styles (I'm not sure actually...)
Can he do well on such Belgian beers?
I dunno..., but I hope he can!!
Anyway, I don't think we have many opportunities to visit Louisiana, but I hope I can taste his beers in near future.
And I also hope they can release some brilliant and cutting edge beers in US market, the hottest craft beer scene in the world.
Good luck, Harvey!!
All the best,
Tetsuya, the Wizard
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